O n e W e e k F R E E A c c e s s T o T h e I n t e r n e t ================================================================= Try InterRamp for 7 days and you will discover that it is the only way to access the Internet. As you trial InterRamp you will be able to: * send and receive email with your own email account. * peruse through the World Wide Web using Mosaic. * FTP files from all over the world. * log onto informational servers using Telnet. * read and post to over 9000 USENET newsgroups All of this is yours, FREE, for 7 days while you explore the Internet. (Demonstrations will be limited to one time per user.) InterRamp is the Internet ======================= Discover the Real solution that brings the worldwide Internet to your fingertips. InterRamp is the only service of its kind that offers V.32bis and ISDN connections to the Internet. InterRamp also offers the largest number of access points as well as the largest customer support group in the Internet marketplace. InterRamp Service Offers -------------------------- * PPP dialup access to the Internet * ISDN and V.32bis Connections * Local Access Points * An electronic mailbox accessed through POP3 * A USENET News account with unlimited access * The ability to run Mosaic and PD software using the WinSock interface Electronic Mail - MIME Spoken Here! -------------------------------------- InterRamp includes a POP3 electronic mailbox on a PSI mail server with up to 20 megabytes of storage, perfect for receiving multimedia MIME messages. While you're not connected, PSI's server is accepting your mail and waits for your connection to deliver it. You will be assigned an e-mail address from the interramp.com domain. USENET News -------------- Unlimited USENET News access, the largest distributed bulletin board service (BBS) in existence, is included with the InterRamp service. The InterRamp Users Home Page ---------------------------------- Using your Web Browser or Mosaic you will be able access the InterRamp User's Home Page, a place on the net especially set up for InterRamp members, to find out what's happening on the Net. The page is filled with InterRamp related issues and content. You will be able to use this home page for entertainment, a resource for business or just browsing the Internet. What you will need -------------------- Your computer must have a V.32bis modem and a standard telephone line, or an ISDN TA (possibly integrated into a bus-based card) and an ISDN BRI (phone line). With these communications lines, you will be able to dial a local InterRamp "hub" which provides you with access to the global Internet. ISDN Please! ------------- PSI is installing thousands of ISDN ports throughout 1994 and 1995. With fully digital 64 Kbps performance (minimally) and remote diagnostics and integration that no analog modem can touch, ISDN is the future of Internet dialup access! With the ability to bond two 64 Kbps channels and compression at the end of 1994, personal ISDN access will be even more powerful. Home, Business, Travel ------------------------ Your InterRamp account will work both at a stationary location at home or the office, or while you're traveling. In fact, you can use your account with ISDN at home and then v.32bis from a hotel room when you travel. Support -------- As the largest Internet service provider in the world, PSI has an experienced and responsive Customer Support Group available to integrate your PC into the world-wide Internet. Your computer system will be able to participate in a variety of applications from electronic mail to file transfers to information services. InterRamp Support Group hours are from 7:00 am - 10:00 pm Mon.-Sat. (EST). InterRamp Support Group can be reached via phone or email. Call (518) 286-1100 or send email to support@interramp.com. Two Great Pricing Plans ------------------------ When you connect to the PSI Instant Internet Registration Server, in addition to choosing a one time demo account, you will have the option of choosing a regular account pricing plan that meets your access needs. Prices for V.32/V.32bis and ISDN are the same. For users who have not already initialized their software with a valid serial number, there is one time software activation charge of $50. (There is no software charge during the free trial). You choose depending on your expected usage: Package A ----------- $50 one time software activation fee. (*) $29 one time registration fee. $9 a month/9 hours. $2 an hour for each additional hour. $6 an hour for each additional hour when using your account from Japan. Package B ---------- $50 one time software activation fee. (*) $29 one time registration fee. $29 a month/29 hours. $2 an hour for each additional hour. $6 an hour for each additional hour when using your account from Japan. (*) Software activation fee not applicable to users who have already initialized their software with a permanent serial number. Local Access Cities ------------------- PSI has established local dialup v.32bis and ISDN service numbers for InterRamp in many U.S. cities. A list of the cities is provided here. For details on these cities, send electronic mail to numbers-info@psi.com or access our FAXBACK information server. To retrieve the list of cities via FAXBACK, call toll-free, 1.800.FAX.PSI.1. The best and most up to date way to view the list and other information on-line is via PSI's World Wide Web server at http://www.psi.net. Below is the current list of InterRamp cities. CITY & STATE V.32bis ISDN --------------- ---------------- ------------------- Akron, OH Available Soon Available Soon Atlanta, GA 404.865.0110 404.865.0110 Austin, TX 512.432.0001 512.432.0001 Baltimore, MD 410.244.0719 410.244.0719 Boston, MA 617.450.6800 617.450.6800 Chicago, IL 312.616.6700 312.565.9446 Cincinnati, OH Available Soon Available Soon Cleveland, OH Available Soon 216.696.8236 Columbus, OH 614.442.9500 614.222.0825 Dallas, TX 214.658.9500 Available Soon Detroit, MI Available November Available November Dublin, OH Available Soon 614.228.7452 Fort Wayne, IN Available Soon 219.452.1004 Harrisburg, PA Available November Available November Herndon, VA 703.904.0600 703.904.9050 Houston, TX 713.567.0300 713.567.0300 Indianapolis, IN Available Soon 317.576.0308 Islip, NY 516.468.2200 Available Soon Jacksonville, FL 904.355.1523 904.355.1523 Los Angeles, CA 213.623.6411 213.623.6411 Miami, FL 305.470.6277 305.470.6277 Newark, NJ Available Soon Available Soon New York, NY 212.631.2860 212.631.2860 Orlando, FL 407.481.1000 407.648.9426 Philadelphia, PA 215.587.9450 215.587.9450 Pittsburgh, PA 412.562.1103 412.562.1103 Portland, ME Available Soon Available Soon Portland, OR Available Soon Available Soon Rochester, NY 716.428.3700 716.324.1000 Sacramento, CA 916.537.2901 916.537.2901 Salt Lake City, UT Available November Available November San Antonio, TX Available November Available November San Diego, CA Available November Available November San Francisco, CA 415.284.4800 415.357.9900 Santa Clara, CA 408.653.2300 408.289.1510 Seattle, WA 206.728.3468 206.441.2203 South Bend, IN 219.271.0326 219.271.0326 Sunnyvale, CA 408.774.4700 408.736.0194 Tampa, FL 813.276.9824 813.276.9824 Urbana, IL Available November Available November Washington, DC Available November Available November Wilmington, DE 302.576.0500 302.576.0500 INTERRAMP SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR U.S. STANDARD ACCOUNTS This agreement (the Agreement) is by and between Performance Systems International, Inc., duly authorized and existing under the laws of the State of New York with its main office at 510 Huntmar Park Drive, Herndon, VA 22070 ("PSI"); and the Customer (individual User of this Service) for the provision by PSI or its subcontractors of certain computer network services as more particularly described below, and is considered executed upon the Customer's use of the InterRamp service. If you do not agree with the terms, please end your use of this service immediately. 1. Access and Network Usage. PSI shall require local access (via the public switched telephone system) to provide the Customer a link to PSINet. It is understood that PSI does not normally own or control the various cable, telecommunications or other facilities to which it may provide access, except those specifically identified as belonging to PSI. Arrangements for use of, or access to, such facilities must be made with those who own or control them. The Customer is responsible for providing, operating and maintaining the necessary cabling, computer hardware and computer software used for this service at their site. PSINet " access shall be offered to the Customer in accordance with the criteria set by PSI which shall be attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Customer shall be responsible for user/access security and network access. PSI provides no user access security with respect to any the Customer facilities or facilities of others. PSI will assist in network security breach detection or identification, but shall not be liable for any inability, failure or mistake in doing so. All local access installation and dialup costs are the responsibility of the customer. 2. InterRamp Use. No more than one InterRamp connection can be used at any time with a InterRamp account as paid for by the Customer and assigned by PSI. An InterRamp session is defined as a connection between a Customer's host computer and modem (or access device) and a PSI modem (or access device) using the public switched telephone system or public data networks (e.g. ISDN). 3. Anniversary Date. The "Anniversary Date" refers to the day in which packets of data can be sent to the Customer's computer or PSI's logs show dialup authentication of the assigned account. 4. InterRamp Fees. For this service, the Customer shall commit to PSI through their credit card the full network connection costs including setup and periodic service fees. The setup fee fee is non-refundable. Service Commencement is initiated on the basis of the receipt of the validated credit card information committing to the appropriate fees. PSI will debit Customer's credit card for these charges. 5. Warranties. Neither PSI nor its subcontractors warrant any connection to, transmission over, nor results or use of, any network connection or facilities provided (or failed to be provided) under this Agreement. The Customer is responsible for assessing their own computer and transmission network needs, and the results to be obtained therefrom. PSI makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness of this service for a particular purpose. PSI assumes no responsibility for any damages suffered by Customer, including but not limited to, loss of data from delays, nondeliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions caused by PSI's own negligence or Customer's errors and/or omissions. 6. No Warranty on Related Hardware or Software Products. PSI makes no warranty with respect to any software or hardware used or provided by PSI in connection with this service. Any patent, trademark, trade secret or warranty infringements, whether actual or alledged, are the direct responsibility of the manufacturer of said hardware or software product. PSI assumes no responsibility for any actions or liabilities arising from the possession or use of these software or hardware products. 7. Limitation of Liability. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss, damage, liability, claim or expense arising out of or in relation to this Agreement or the provision of the service or equipment, however caused, whether grounded in contract, or tort (including negligence) or theory of strict liability. The parties agree to work in good faith to implement the purposes of this Agreement, but recognize that the network connection and services to be provided by PSI could not be made available under these terms or other similar terms without a substantial increase in cost if the parties were to assume a greater degree of liability to each other. 8. Term/Extension/Termination. This Agreement shall extend from the Anniversary date until one month from the Anniversary Date, and shall continue month-by-month as per this Agreement. Relevant fees refers to the published pr ice of the InterRamp service fees. Customer is responsible to notify PSI of any changes in their name, address, credit card information, etc. Termination of InterRamp will only be accepted in writing thirty (30) days in advance of the termination request. 9. Notices. All notices given by Customer or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed to PSI at P .O. Box 485, Herndon, VA 22070, Attn.: InterRamp Account Administration. For InterRamp service de-activation requests, the Customer is to fill out the "InterRamp Service De-Activation Request Form" included in the InterRamp box and mail it to the address above, no other termination mechanisms are acceptable. 10. Access to Other Networks. Use of other networks may sometimes require approval of the respective network authorities and use will be subject to any acceptable usage policies such networks establish. Examples of such networks would be the NSFNET and ESNET. An example of an acceptable use policy can be found in Exhibit B. 11. Regulation and Authorization. All services to be provided by the Customer either in part or in total through PSINet " are appropriate subject to relevant Federal and State regulations. If these same services are offered through other networks, PSI accepts no responsibility for their authorization. This service may only be used for lawful purposes. Materials and/or tramsmission in violation of any local, state, Federal or international regulation(s) is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PSI from any claims resulting from Customer's use of this service which Customer or third party. 12. No Proration of Fees. If service is bought in one month or three month increments, no proration on the term for cancellation by the customer for any pre-payment is allowed. 13. Rates. A. U.S. Standard. The following prices represent PSI's U.S. Standard service costs. One-Time Setup Fee $29.00 Monthly Service Fees $9/month for up to 9 hours of service, or $29/month for up to 29 hours of service; depending on the service plan to which Customer is subscribed. InterRamp ISDN and v.32bis US Usage (beyond minimum in selected payment plan) $2.00 per hour InterRamp ISDN and v.32bis Usage in Japan (all hours) $6.00 per hour B. Usage and Numbers. Usage is measured in one (1) minute increments rounded upwards. A current list of InterRamp access numbers is available by sending electronic mail to: numbers-info@psi.com. 14. No Assignment. The Customer shall not sell, transfer, or assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of PSI. Any act in derogation of the foregoing shall be null and void; provided, however, that any such assignment shall not relieve the Customer of their obligations under this Agreement. 15. Severability and Entire Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. This Agreement represents the complete agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and supersedes any other agreement or understanding, written or oral. 16. PSI Termination. PSI can terminate your account at will for any reason it solely deter mines. The customer specifically waives the right to sue or ability to subrogate those rights for any losses. If PSI terminates your service, PSI will refund your registration fee, any relevant software fees (if the software is returned) and any unused portion of the service (which, in this case, will be prorated). EXHIBIT A: PSINET" ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY These statements represent a guide to the acceptable use of PSI facilities. PSI recognizes as acceptable all forms of data communications across its network, except where Federally subsidized facilities of transport (such as national backbones like NSFNET) may require limitations, or State/Federal/International law prohibits. In those cases, use of the network should adhere to the general principle of advancing science and education through interexchange of information among research and educational institutions except where specific policy statements exist (see example, Exhibit B). In cases where data communications are addressed to recipients outside of the PSI supplied network and are carried over other regional networks or the Internet, PSI users are advised that acceptable use policies of those other networks apply and may, in fact, limit use. If PSI is informed by Federal/State/International authorities of inappropriate or illegal use of PSI facilities and/or other networks these determinations will be binding on the Customer. EXHIBIT B: NSFNET BACKBONE SERVICE ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY GENERAL PRINCIPAL: (1) NSFNET Backbone services are provided to support open research and education in and among US research and instructional institutions, plus research arms of for-profit firms when engaged in open scholarly communication and research. Use for other purposes is not acceptable. SPECIFICALLY ACCEPTABLE USES: (2) Communication with foreign researchers and educators in connection with research or instruction, as long as any network that the foreign user employs for such communication provides reciprocal access to US researchers and educators. (3) Communication and exchange for professional development, to maintain currency, or to debate issues in a field or subfield of knowledge. (4) Use for disciplinary-society , university-association, government-advisory, or standards activities related to the user's research and instructional activities. (5) Use in applying for or administering grants or contracts for research or instruction, but not for other fund-raising or public relations activities. (6) Any other administrative communications or activities in direct support of research and instruction. (7) Announcements of new products or services for use in research or instruction, b ut not advertising of any kind. (8) Any traffic originating from a network of another member agency of the Federal Networking Council if the traffic meets the acceptable use policy of that agency. (9) Communication incidental to otherwise acceptable use, except for illegal or specifically unacceptable use. UNACCEPTABLE USES: (10) Use for for-profit activities (consulting for pay, sales or administration of campus stores, sale of tickets to sports events, and so on) or use by for-profit institutions unless covered by the General Principle or as a specifically acceptable use. (11) Extensive use for private or personal business. This statement applies to use of the NSFNET Backbone only. NSF expects that connecting networks will formulate their own use policies. The NSF Division of Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure will resolve any questions about this Policy or its interpretation. Copyright 1994, by PSI, Inc. - Rev. 9/28/94